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2016-03-08 01:23:02 来源:海峡道教网——福建省道教协会 浏览:2921查看评论

故贵以贱为本,高以下为基。所以,尊贵以卑贱为根本,高者以低者为基础。是以侯王自谓孤﹑寡﹑不穀。因此,侯王自我谦称为“孤”、“寡”、“不穀”。此非以贱为本邪?这不就是把低贱当作根本吗?非乎?难道不是这样的吗?故致数誉无誉。所以,追求各种(高贵的)美名,反而得不到(任何的)美名。不欲 录 录如玉,珞珞如石。(因此,)不要追求像稀少而华美的宝玉那样被人们所尊贵,而宁愿像众多而粗劣的石头那样被人们所卑贱。
Chapter 39
This chapter can be divided into two parts. The first half (starting with the first sentence up to “If the kings ...., they could not become the upright leaders and might even suffer downfall.") discusses the importance of attaining Oneness (the Dao) from both the positive and negative aspects. It aims to teach people to become one with the Dao. The second half (the rest of the chapter) discusses the theory-“that which is noble stems from humble roots, and that which is high is built from a low base.” It teaches people to be unpretentious and humble. Kings calling themselves “the lonely,” “the virtueless” and “the worthless” are proof of them being humble as the basis for them being noble. On the contrary, when one has excessive concern for reputation, one will find oneself in disrepute. Therefore, people should take the principle: remain modest, unpretentious, and simple instead of being arrogant, self-important, and pretentious.

Since the beginning of time, for those that attained Oneness (the Dao):
The Heavens attained Oneness and became clear and bright;
The Earth attained Oneness and became stable and peaceful;
The Deities attained Oneness and became numinous;
Valleys attained Oneness and became full.
All creatures attained Oneness and were able to live and grow.
Kings attained Oneness and became upright leaders and brought order and security to the land.
From this it may be inferred:
If the Heavens did not attain Oneness, they could not become clear and might even break apart;
If the Earth did not attain Oneness, it could not become stable and might even collapse;
If the Deities did not attain Oneness, they could not become numinous and might even lose their roles (in the Heavens);
If the valleys did not attain Oneness, they could not become filled and might even dry up;
If all creatures did not attain Oneness, they could not live and grow and might even die out;
If the kings did not attain Oneness, they could not become upright leaders and might even suffer downfall.
Therefore, that which is noble stems from humble roots, and that which is high is built from a low base.
Thus kings call themselves “the lonely”, “the virtueless” and “the worthless.”
This is being humble as the basis for being noble, is it not?
Hence, having excessive concern for reputation, one will not be admired.
For this reason,
It is better to remain firm and plain like common stone than to be striking and precious like jade.

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